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Hi.  I’m Shannon.

Me, doing sporty things

Me, doing sporty things on Humboldt Bay

I like hanging with my daughters and their papa, doing sporty things, working for liberation, cooking from scratch, reading the New Yorker, and trying to keep up with family and friends scattered all over the place. I am currently spending a year in Berlin, Germany and revived this blog to provide updates on our family’s adventures abroad, for our beloved peoples in the USA.

I don’t like grapefruit, corporate capitalism, driving, clothes shopping, breaststroke, and spiders (at least not near me).  I currently work in operations for a nonprofit dedicated to health equity and racial justice. In the past, I have been an advocate for public transportation, grassroots democracy, trees, and clean water.

This blog was originally intended to be a mix of personal stuff and commentary about the broader world.  I used to write a lot – poetry, journaling, letters – but since college, I’ve discovered I’m no longer so good at the key principle of writing: “Apply the seat of your pants to the seat of your chair.”** Now I mostly write updates on personnel policies, which are useful but not as creative. So no plans for the great American novel, but maybe this blog will get me back into writing. At a minimum I hope to provide some entertainment for my peeps and perhaps beyond.

**Advice given by Mary Heaton Vorse to Sinclair Lewis in 1911.

One Comment leave one →
  1. janine permalink
    February 26, 2011 10:14 pm

    This is something I’ll watch. Thanks, Shannon! I always like your take on things.
    Plus, I look forward to baby pics, too!

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